Friday, May 26, 2017

If you let go of any such opinion

I walk on the road. This street tree is tall. A big dump truck passes by. I look up, looking at the building. Clouds also appear to be high. The mountain over there is obviously high and big.
These are honest impressions of 7.5 billion people of humanity. Perspective.

However, such a thing is lie and it is incorrect.

Why do not you look at the lower bounds from the window window seat of the plane?

The street trees are green tiny moss.
 A dump truck is like an ant.
Building? It's lower than the dice.
 Cloud? It is not high to be visible under the eyes.
 Mountains, low irregularities, no big deal.

What on earth was the honest impression when walking?

So, there are lies full of your own views and opinions.

If you let go of any such opinion, you reach Nirvana.LOL.

Easy, right?

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