Saturday, January 13, 2018

A ghost named himself.LOL.

Even if we explore the universe, only elementary particles and energy can be found.LOL.
In other words, human beings are also in that universe. It is a natural fact that six elements of oxygen, oxygen and so on are 98.5% of human beings.
There is no soul or self of your own, already factual anatomical and physically. First of all, press this facts down.

But, however, it is a sense of ordinary human beings that there is a feeling that they are indeed.LOL.

There is no such thing as this self, it is a misunderstanding. When human beings have eyes or ears, there are objects that human beings misunderstand that human beings have heard that human beings have seen. .

Descartes said that I am because I think, but, certainly, if there is a target to think about, I just think that I feel like I am.It7s only electric and in brain electrical signals with the concepts of myself and self.LOL

It is real, eternal, being a ruler supervisor is a misunderstanding that you realize that a ghost is real. It is a kind of worldwide stupidity.

So, when you sense or act, your concept rise, talking, yourself rise, if you think about somethings, yourself will rise, but as if just a ghost, you need to realize that it does not exist.

  If you do not have yourself, how comfortable it is, you may as well watch this. Naturally, if you notice it, Nirvana.LOL.

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