Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Beyond likes and dislikes

I can not eat this, it is only an image that I like this. It is also an image of poor nature and good.Just conditioning.
I dislike him. I like this person because it is the same mechanism as food.
Just conditioning.
Well, human beings are also elementary particles.Even so, there is no need to bother to like people who do not like it.Because there is no time to like short life, dislikes.However, all 7.5 billion people of human beings are all elementary particles without exception.If it is not interested, no interest, neither like nor dislike, it will be a feeling of colorless transparency.
In other words, if you have likes and dislikes, the behavior of mankind will stagnate there anyhow.
It is not free.
Well, in any case, it is the tendency of mankind to basically act with likes and dislikes.
So, whatever it is, if you dislike likes and dislikes, you are already free about it.That is Nirvana. Easy. Gahaha.

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