Tuesday, September 26, 2017

hope is like a changing eel.Gyahaha.LOL.

Hope, purpose is from the Nirvana point of view, it is the cause of suffering.
Even if I hope that I do not want to die, humanity will surely die. Gahaha.

  I am myself and I want to do something.
First of all, the things that mankind desires are misunderstandings. I hope for empty elementary particles, what do you expect to do. Gahaha.

Furthermore, human beings think that human beings have to get something, since human beings think that it is hard to misunderstand the present here, mankind thinks.LOL.

Though such it is everything, such as the eel to change because elementary particles, the human race is impatient and want to put in the early hand early. This is suffering and trouble.LOL.

If you do not get it, you are restless with human fear due to fear.
 Even though hope is like a changing eel, it is just a misunderstanding. Gahaha.

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