Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Hope? Please obsereve it.LOL.

If I was careless, it seemed that a new party in Japan was made in the meantime.

The name of that party is "party of hope". Gahaha. There is no choice but to laugh.

This is bad sense, this is a bad joke. Gahaha.

That is to say from the Nirvana point of view.LoL.
Because ordinary society likes hope, it can not be helped. Gahaha.
People have no choice but to suffer from the general society. This is a general society.

Any hope, it is only elementary particles.
 Whatever hope, desire, expectation, plan, purpose, goal, it aims for elementary particles.
However, elementary particles are unusual, meaningless, worthless, commonplace, casual, and boring. Elementary particles, in addition, there is no substance of anything.

What do people like to do with it? Gahaha.

There is no choice but to laugh.

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