Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The gap between feelings and reality for life.Gyahaha~

I want to live? I hate to die. scared. I do not want die?
Gyahaha ~ >>>
If so, it is the same as saying that I want to suffer, want to suffer, the ultimate peace, Nirvana is absolutely disgusting.Gyahaha ~.Why?

  If I want to stay alive, I feel painful.

  I value worth living, wonderful, appreciate, irreplaceable, heavier than the earth.
But what about reality? It is exactly the opposite. Just being a bitter, it feels less wonderful. A mountain of suffering. And it gets burned. Sometimes, there are times when it is good to live. Eating a steak on your payday. Gyahaha ~. But that will not last long. Gyahaha ~.

What is the gap between this feeling and the reality? What is this dissatisfaction?

That is because misunderstanding that mankind wants to live is dominated.

  The reality is impermanent, made of elementary particle energy, incomplete, dissatisfied, empty and void, that is, bitter. Gyahaha ~.

So, mankind just want to release my feelings of misunderstanding that mankind want to live, to match reality, facts.

  Without exception, the reality is impermanent, made of elementary particle energy, incomplete, unsatisfactory, empty and void, that is, bitter. It is Gyahaha ~.

Therefore, it is easy. Yepe. ultimate peace,Nirvana.Gyahaha~~~~~~>


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