Friday, October 27, 2017

dukkha?, What the fucking?lol.

What is alive is dukkha.Wtf?
So it is fun to be alive, it must be fun to be alive, because it is just a misunderstanding, so observe it, dissolve its misunderstandings, and beyond from both the difficulties and comfort of the general society, That7s Nirvana, What if you enlighten it?

So what is the meaning of dukkha?
  dukkha, everything in the universe is impermanent and incomplete. Therefore, if you cling to the phenomenon, humanity is unsatisfactory, painful, empty. If you cling to it further, you will escalate sorrow, breath, anguish and melancholy.

By the way, do you have a perfect sun, perfect beauty, perfect body beauty, perfect brain, etc. in this world?

Everything is changing eternally. Everything is incomplete.
  At the moment when humanity embraces a beauty, a beauty is an elementary particle, so it is momentarily momentarily aging.
  Perfectly beautiful woman? I guess there is no choice but to laugh. Gahaha. LOL//.

For example, the more human beings do not want to die, the more they feel death is disgusting, the more human beings are overwhelmed by the problem as death becomes a big problem like a mountain and it approaches.

So, gradually or quietly observing it, you notice something, go to the direction of nonattachment, so it will be the ultimate great comfort. That is Nirvana.

Once you have Nirvana you will see different aspects of dukkha.
The meaning is the problem that annoys humanity, all of which is meaningless, worthless and nothing bad. All things are small. It would be so?
Everything in the universe is elementary particles.LOL>
 Everything is small, trivial, commonplace, worthless to argue.
 After all Nonsense.LOL.

There is nothing to say. Just like that. So, there is nothing special about it. So what? So, what happened? Do you have any problems?
all is suchness.LOL.
 It becomes nonobsession.
So mankind will be beyond to everything.

This is an observation within 30 minutes, human race only has to laugh. That is dukkha. Gahaha. LOL.



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