Friday, October 13, 2017

No obsession with Ferrari。LOL.

In the first place, obsession with Ferrari, obsessing with money, not being able to leave a woman, a man, everything, conditional reaction.LOL.
If you were obsessed with Ferrari, only with small scratches, the intensity of sorrow, sighs, anguish and melancholy becomes high.LOL.
Ferrari? As long as driving with unmanaging and moving means, made of such elementary particles, which is not substantive, apart from small wounds, so what's the matter?
So, I do not mind at all.

Even if it is time for me to die, if I do not obsess myself, smile a little and others, Oh yeah, I feel like let's die.LOL.
Anyway, the living human beings will be wiped out, this is a fact, so if you follow the facts and wash extra things like unnecessary obsession, you do not have to do anything.LOL.
That is unbelievable, in Nirvana, the cancellation of the misunderstanding reaction, unmatched peace=Nirvana. Gahaha.

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