Thursday, October 19, 2017

let7s let all opinion go~~~~~~lol.No1

Gahaha. The way of observation is simple and certain kind of reaching Nirvana is certain. If observation goes well, it will reach a considerably large Nirvana. Gahaha.It is within 30

There is observation that releases from obsession of opinion, before / after observation method here.LOL.
First of all, I remember some old idol singer or movie actress.Search it on the internet image site.
Then, the image of the past idle period and the current image appear immediately.It compares its past and current images. Start observation. Gahaha.LOL.

Opinions on idols when they were shining in the past.Opinion A.I will give an opinion on the image of the current old idol.Opinion B.

Then, as I worshiped in the past, I loved, cute, enthusiastic and ecstatic.
Well, it is roughly like this opinion.
Opinion A.
So now? There is an opinion on the current image.
Opinion B.
Well, observe. Observe.

Opinion AorB.Which opinion is true?Which opinion is correct?
Does this opinion differ from old and new images, or is there a problem recognizing them?

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