Monday, October 2, 2017

No obsession,non-attachment=Nirvana

Do not do anything in vain to release to the ultimate cosmic peace, and to the best silence of the world. Short life, humanity does not need such things. Gahaha.

It is a simple, non-attachment.

It's like a baby's skin and it's smooth and smooth.LOL.

  Money, status, honor, fame, motor nerves, smartness, something like this, even if it is not at all, is OK.

However, by that humanity is somehow, if you can convert the obsession that is now to non-attachment, it is Nirvana.LOL.

  Leave obsession. → Nirvana.That's it.

Easy official formula.LOL.

However, as each person's obsession, each person must process it. It can not be helped. But that's it. Gahaha.LOL.

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