Wednesday, December 28, 2016

● The nature of the morning crayfish that get bored with things and get relax.

●  The nature of the morning crayfish that get bored with things and get relax.

 The morning crayfish that get bored with things and get relax has properties of impermanence, meaninglessnesslessnesslessness, selflessness, emptiness.

 For example, suppose you have a strange desire to tell you what you says.

  I want to tell you what you are saying is unglazed crab and so on.  This world.  Gahaha.

 Usually, what you are saying is not told, it is a fact.
 Only trying to tell it, I will do my best.

 What is the cause of suffering, not to convey, not to understand?
 Let's tell it.  The desire to neglect the fact that I want you to communicate.

 Because that desire is a mischievous crayfish, if you let go of that desire.
 To throw it away.

  Misrepresentation, relaxation, return, returning, desire, desire crushing of desire to tell.

 Then, the crabs are gone.

  On behalf of the desire to tell you nothing obstinate.
 If so, I will withdraw from trying to communicate.  To release it.

 Nirvana or why.  Gyahaha~~~~~~~.

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